Hairvolution: Katy Perry’s Hair Color Through The Years

From her Teenage Dream days up to the present, Katy Perry keeps on surprising us with her bold choice of hair colors.

by: Shannon Juada

More than her iconic songs, Katy Perry is known for her colorful hair. Let’s go back and take a look at all the different hair colors she has donned in the past up to to the present.

Teenage Years

Katy’s natural hair is not black, but blonde! She admitted in an interview that she thinks lighter colors do not really look good on her.

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Jet Black (2008)

We all first saw Katy on our TV screens with jet black hair. Remember the Thinking of You music video? Yup, that’s not Katy’s natural hair color.

Photo taken from Pinterest

Electric Blue (2010)

2010 was the year that Katy started sporting wild bold hair colors and she started with electric blue.

Photo taken from Pinterest

Blue and Pink Highlights (2010)

From a far, one would think that Katy’s back with her plain boring hair, but a closer look would prove you otherwise.

Photo taken from Pinterest

Bubble Gum Pink (2011)

After a few months, Katy was again seen donning vibrant locks that remind us of our childhood at the MTV Music Video Awards.

Photo taken from Pinterest

Softened Pink (2011)

She then softened her pink hair by blending it with her platinum bob.

Photo taken from Pinterest

Redhead (2011)

For the launching of her perfume Purr, Katy debuted her redhead with matching cat ears.

Photos taken from Pinterest

Blue (2012)

For the second time, Katy was sporting blue hair. This time, however, with a subtler hue than before.

Photo taken from Pinterest

Deep Purple (2012)

Katy looked pretty vampy with her deep purple hair matched with her thick lashes and dark lippies.

Photo taken from Pinterest

Slime Green (2014)

Many thought it was just an April Fool’s joke when Katy announced that she wanted to dye her hair slime green, but it wasn’t actually a shocker since we’ve seen her with pink, blue, and even purple hair.

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Lavender (2015)

Remember that total outfit change of Katy during the 2015 Grammy’s? One second she was rocking a lavender bob at the red carpet and the next second she’s on stage with sleek black ponytail?

Photo taken from Pinterest

Black Pixie Cut (2015)

Unlike most of Katy’s hair change, this time was different. Instead of just changing her hair color, she shocked us all by getting a pixie cut.

Photo taken from Pinterest

Blonde Pixie (2017)

In an interview, Katy said that she badly wants to be Katheryn Hudson (her real name) and there are times that she doesn’t want to look like Katy Perry anymore. That’s one of the reasons why she decided to cut her hair.

Photo taken from Pinterest

You might wonder how Katy has managed to maintain her hair that healthy given that she changes her hair color at a maximum of 5 times a year. She doesn’t stick to shampoos for normal hair and opts to go with hair products formulated for hair color.

Don’t be afraid to try different colors just as long as you take good care of your locks!

Which among Katy’s hair colors are you willing to try? Let us know in the comments section below!

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