Sore throat after Karaoke? Hereā€™s How To Avoid Losing Voice

Beware Beyonce, because weā€™re coming! Perhaps itā€™s ingrained in our DNAs, we all love to sing. Even if we donā€™t own vocals that of Beyonce, weā€™d still love hitting high notes in the shower, humming in the car, and frequenting karaoke places. Thereā€™s a danger though if we arenā€™t properly using the right vocal cords and screeching with the back of our throats. Pain is … Continue reading Sore throat after Karaoke? Hereā€™s How To Avoid Losing Voice

5 Vegan Recipes To Try Out This Month

and theyā€™re scrumptious! A few years ago, going vegan was all the rage. Everywhere you look, thereā€™s bound to be one new YouTuber who declared theyā€™re banishing meat. But itā€™s more than just a flitting trend, such lifestyle shift becomes compelling due to many reasons including animal rights, environmentalism, and serves multiple health benefits. By omitting meat and dairy products, studies have shown an increase … Continue reading 5 Vegan Recipes To Try Out This Month

What ā€œThat Girlā€ Eats?

Weā€™re super curiousĀ too The ā€œThat Girlā€ trend might have been circulating for a while, but canā€™t deny weā€™re still quite obsessed. Binging back-to-back YouTube videos, hoping to emulate that perfect lifestyle, until it got us thinking who exactly is she? ā€œThat Girlā€, of course, isnā€™t any particular girl. She wakes up early, religiously gets her exercise in, eats avocado toast, and drinks matcha. She is … Continue reading What ā€œThat Girlā€ Eats?

Sore throat after Karaoke? Hereā€™s How To Avoid Losing Voice

Beware Beyonce, because weā€™reĀ coming! Perhaps itā€™s ingrained in our DNAs, we all love to sing. Even if we donā€™t own vocals that of Beyonce, weā€™d still love hitting high notes in the shower, humming in the car, and frequenting karaoke places. Thereā€™s a danger though if we arenā€™t properly using the right vocal cords and screeching with the back of our throats. Pain is what … Continue reading Sore throat after Karaoke? Hereā€™s How To Avoid Losing Voice

Not Us Wanting To Sniff Every One Of These Luxurious Candles & Diffusers

Feeling soyĀ happy! As we tuck away indoors to shelter from the rain, the warmth and luminescence of candles become ever more appealing. Thereā€™s just something about them that calms the mind and heart, which brings no surprise to see the world getting smitten, using them as a form of self-care. Though, keep in mind that not any candles will do. To avoid moods being ruined, … Continue reading Not Us Wanting To Sniff Every One Of These Luxurious Candles & Diffusers

5 Audio Electronics That are Perfect For the Gym

Pump it,Ā louder! Workout without music would be akin to life without a soul. Theyā€™ve always been a powerful motivator for all kinds of events. Be it before a game, on your first day of work, while doing tedious chores, and especially while sweating through the pain. Imagine running on the treadmill and you have nothing but your tender muscles to focus onā€Šā€”ā€Šnot fun at all. … Continue reading 5 Audio Electronics That are Perfect For the Gym

Youā€™ll Need These Vitamins If You Want To Boost Your Immunity Quickly

Quick reminder: health isĀ wealth! Safeguarding our health has never been more prevailing as the world combats back-to-back health battles by the names of the Coronavirus and Monkeypox. Stocking up on vitamins and supplements eventually became a coping mechanism for easing such anxieties. After all, stronger immunity means lower chances of catching the bug. So, if you too are coming around to this decision, todayā€™s article … Continue reading Youā€™ll Need These Vitamins If You Want To Boost Your Immunity Quickly

Delicious Everyday Snacks To Boost Your Energy

Some fuel to wake youĀ up! Snacks are the fastest solution when the hunger pangs strike. Essentially, anything that fills the tummy right up passes as a good choice, but be wary if you have a deadline to knockout because some snacks can cause your eyelids to feel heavy (*yawn* that couch looks so inviting right now). For a boost of energy to power you through … Continue reading Delicious Everyday Snacks To Boost Your Energy

The Vitamins & Supplements You Need For Healthy, Glowing Skin

You are what youĀ eat! I f the adage ā€œyou are what you eatā€ holds true, then what do vitamins have a say in this? For sure, good health, but that wonā€™t be the only thing youā€™ll achieve. Following closely behind is good skin. And the logic behind this one is simple: vitamins provide nutrients to the whole body. Thus, allowing the proper functioning of organs. … Continue reading The Vitamins & Supplements You Need For Healthy, Glowing Skin

Donā€™t Forget To Bring These When You Go Hiking

All good things are wild andĀ free! When everyoneā€™s traveling to the beach, skip the crowd and go hiking in the great outdoors instead. Itā€™s a breath of fresh air, especially when you crave a respite from the concrete jungle. Nature recharges your body like no other. With poor signal and non-existent Wi-Fi connection, youā€™re forced to take a break from your screens and enjoy what … Continue reading Donā€™t Forget To Bring These When You Go Hiking