How To Lose Weight Fast Post-Christmas

No lift, no gift

The last days of Q4 always pass by in a blur. The next thing you know, Christmas would be over, and you’re scrambling to usher the new year in — which we kind of dread because the love handles we grew post-Yuletide season would hinder us from looking hot in a slinky black dress. Well too late to boo-hoo because we’re officially in this awkward stage where most shops are closed, and the dress is too late to be altered, so the only thing left to do is to fit ourselves into it. By targeting your main problems, here are a few exercises to put you back on track. Whether it be having too many drinks, accidentally stretching your waistline, or feeling your head is about to fly off into the sky, we’ve got the workout you need.

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If You Had Too Many Sips:

So you gave in to the idea of a second or third helping of wine last night, and the next thing you know, you wake up feeling sluggish with a pounding headache. Instead of reaching out for hangover medication, try a detoxifying yoga flow. You might not feel your best to move your body right now, but with all the twists and turns, you’ll be wringing out the bad stuff in no time.

If You Overdid The Sugar Cookies:

A growing waistline is synonymous with Christmas dinners, hence you’d most likely want a workout that focuses on the abs. While it’ll take a few more tries to get yourself back in shape, a quick 10-minute core workout can have you feeling fab in a jiffy. Don’t let a few gingerbread men and sugar cookies guilt trip you. Bear in mind that after-effects are reversible, and it’s alright to start small.

If You’re Finding It Hard To Get Out Of Bed:

Christmas dinner is over and all pressies have been unwrapped, what’s left are the lingering joy and the free time to sleep. But what needs to be done still needs to be done, and we’re suggesting this bed-bound workout that can be completed before sleep. The routine involves satisfying stretches that’ll feel like you’ve hit all the right spots, so nothing rigorous that will render a sleepless night.

If You’re Feeling Overwhelmed:

Christmas day itself is magical, but the days building up before that? Hectic. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed during this time when you think of unbought pressies, unplanned dinners, and uncleaned house. But take a deep breath, everything is under control. Don’t let the stress get the best of you by rolling out your mat for this grounding yoga flow.

If Everyone Is Still Sleeping:

Apparently, “silent night” got extended to post-Christmas morning. Everybody is still fast asleep, not a single creature is stirring. But hey, that’s no excuse to skip your workout. You can still exercise without making a sound by following this HIIT routine that involves zero jumping. Despite that, this one’s still superb for burning fat and muscle rebuilding — which is just the thing we need!

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