Weaning Baby From Breast Milk To Formula? — We Got Tips

Ensuring this transition to be as smooth as possible

There are many reasons why parents decide to switch their baby from breast milk to infant formula. It could be the mother’s milk supply is low, she’s returning to the workforce or it could be that baby has a milk allergy. Well, whatever the reason, from what we know, this transition from nipple to bottle will be tough. You can expect scenarios like baby throwing a giant tantrum or perpetually refusing the bottle but fret not for we have tips (along with a few baby feeding essentials) all laid out for you to help baby latch on successfully.

1. Choosing The Baby Formula

Pediasure Plus Vanilla

Arguably the hardest dilemma of parenting is picking out the right baby formula — i.e. the most nutritious, easily digestible milk powder on the market. Well, to be fair, this varies among babies as it all comes down to their needs. Lactose intolerant ones will need to feed on soy-based formulas, while those born prematurely have to rely on specialty milk powders. It’s a long journey but we can assure you the hunt ends as they turn toddlers. Pediasure Plus, the milk drink for ages 3 and above has everything a parent wants. It has synbiotics for better appetite and 28 vitamins and minerals to ensure stronger immunity.

2. Find The Right Bottle

Chicco Natural Feeling Bottle

Babies are very sensitive to change. They can tell straight away when a bottle instead of a nipple is shoved into their mouths. So be prepared that they might be at their crankiest when taking that first sip. Unfamiliarity needs to be tackled gradually, and that process can be smoothed with Chicco’s Natural Feeling Bottle which resembles closely to the mother’s breast.

3. Put Breast Milk In Bottles First

Orange And Peach Breastmilk Storage Bags

Just like we adults need time to adapt, babies do too. Instead of introducing them to something new head-on, it’d be much easier to get used to a bottle if it’s filled with the familiar taste and smell of mother’s breast milk. When baby’s gotten a hang of it, slowly decrease the amount of breast milk and compensate it with baby formula. Then, increase the number of feedings with formula until s/he exclusively feeds on milk powder.

4. Let Someone Else Introduce The Bottle

Looney Tunes Multipurpose Rapid Steam Sterilizer Blue

If your baby has never had the bottle, have someone besides you do the first few feedings. As your baby may associate your smell with breastfeeding, you holding the bottle may cause baby confusion. Don’t forget to stock up on a good sterilizer as well during this period. Transitioning to formula means more dirty bottles and babies don’t have the patience to wait for bottles to be cleaned.

Don’t Forget The Cleaning

Human Nature Baby Bottle Utensil Cleaner | OXOTOT Straw & Sippy Cup Cleaning Set

When baby’s acquired the skill of taking the bottle, baby formula won’t be the only thing s/he drinks. There will be a time when you let them try juices, and with that comes the sugary aftermath. To make sure the stickiness gets scrubbed away, rely on Human Nature’s Baby Bottle & Utensil liquid cleaner that is 100% free from harmful chemicals. Wash it together with Oxotot’s Straw and Sippy Cup Cleaning Set to make sure every spot gets reached.

Ready to tackle this transition? Go get your baby essentials first! Only the ebst at ZALORA Philippines!

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