Pinterest-worthy Home Inspos For Those Getting Bored Of Their Own

No big refurbishments required!

N o shame about feeling your home is less than fab. It’s a natural occurrence when you’re spending most of your time inside. Blame it on the previous lockdowns or the WFH arrangements that compelled you into facing the same four walls every day. But you know what can render this feeling to go away? An easy refresh that doesn’t necessarily costs an arm and a leg. It can be as easy as changing a lightbulb, painting the floor, or adding a console table to your entryway. While these don’t take long to pull off, we promise you the outcome will be just as mind-blowing.

The Entryway

credit: Pinterest

Maybe you have too short of an entryway to get it designed. But let us tell you, how much of a difference it would make by giving it some love. Customizable shoe racks that allow you to sit are the best space savers. If you’re unwilling to rake out the money, introducing a console table or some chairs is equally cute, with some art leaning against the wall.

Set Up A Reading Nook

credit: Pinterest

Creating a new space in the house would be such a breath of fresh air. In a way, you’re tackling the ordinary whilst crafting this magical personal place where you can hide away from the world. The best part is that no renovations are required. Just clear out a corner of the living room, throw in some new drapes, warm lights and you have a little nook to read.

Paint Your Floors

credit: Pinterest

It’s always the walls that get a re-paint when we’re thinking about refreshing a space. But you know what’s the real deal? Bringing that change down to your floors. This allows furniture and home decor beneath eye level to take center stage. It’s a refreshing twist, and definitely, one that’ll leave your guests with a lasting impression.

Go Minimalist

credit: Pinterest

We’re always about adding this or changing that when sprucing up a space. But has it ever occurred to you that maybe it’s the clutter that is causing the dissatisfaction? A messy, cramped space messes up the mood. Hence, the right solution should be to subtract. Keep only the essentials and a few of the things that spark joy in you, you’ll find your headspace so much clearer.

Try A Colorful Lightbulb

credit: Pinterest

Adding a touch of whimsy can be as easy as counting “one, two, three”. It also doesn’t have to cost a fortune as something like trading in your classic bulb for a colorful one does the trick. It changes the whole vibe of the room without taking up much space. Try it in a hallway or narrow entryway where decor moments are scare and square footage is limited.

Home Decor We Love:

Xiaomi Mi Movable Organizer Tray | Primeo Premium Window Curtain
Cozsho Twig Tree Organizer | Retail Therapy PH Addi Mirrored Tray | Umbra Ribbon Wall Clock

Go shop the latest furniture & home decor over at ZALORA Philippines today!

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